My fitness journey will be
The journey of a lifetime.
Good health is not only
One of the most important keys to good health,
It is also the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity
My fitness journey will be
The journey of a lifetime.
Good health is not only
One of the most important keys to good health,
It is also the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity
When you watch a soccer game, the easiest players to pick out are almost always the goalkeepers, aka goalies. Not…
Is doing a full split on your yoga bucket list? Then you should be doing split stretches (aka stretches and…
The 3-Day Diet encourages small breakfasts such as toast with peanut butter. Image Credit: kasia2003/iStock/GettyImages Despite its name, the 3-Day…
Sports bras can be tough to shop for. They need to be functional and supportive, but in an ideal world,…
Here’s how long it will take you to walk a mile, and how many calories you will burn. Image Credit: Getty Images/The Good Brigade If you’re wondering how quickly you will lose weight if you walk a mile every day, the answer isn’t quite as simple as you’d hope. In fact, saying how many pounds you can expect to lose doing any activity — whether it’s walking, swimming, yoga or cycling — is tricky. Advertisement…
Read More »Muscle Milk may help you lose weight, but there are some risks to keep in mind. Image Credit: Peter Berglund/E+/GettyImages In This Article Nutrient Content Muscle Milk and Weight Loss Protein and Weight Loss Meal Replacement Potential Risks How to Get More Protein Bottom Line An often-important part of many weight-loss diets (and balanced diets, in general) is incorporating lean sources of protein. Advertisement While the best way to do this is through eating protein-rich…
Read More »Prepping potatoes the right way can help you toward your weight-loss goals. Image Credit: fcafotodigital/E+/GettyImages When it comes to the health pros and cons of specific foods, there can be a lot of controversy. In some cases, like with eggs and cholesterol, the confusion and eventual change in perception was a matter of advances in nutrition research, which has allowed us to adapt our eating guidelines. Advertisement In other cases, though — like with potatoes…
Read More »Depending on which low-carb diet plan you follow, ice cream and frozen yogurt can be enjoyed in moderation. Image Credit: Liudmila Chernetska/iStock/GettyImages In This Article The Skinny on Low-Carb Diets Eating Dairy on a Low-Carb Diet A Word on Sweeteners Wondering if you can eat tasty Greek yogurt, frozen yogurt and ice cream when you’re on a low-carb diet such as Atkins or Keto? Going on a low-carb diet can greatly limit the type and…
Read More »A whole host of factors come into play when it comes to how quickly you’re able to lose weight. Image Credit: kate_sept2004/E+/GettyImages Let’s say you and a friend decide to start a get-healthy journey together. You both want to drop a few pounds, build your muscle strength and reap the energizing rewards in your work and personal life. Together, you create a game plan that maps out exercise, meal plans and strategies for resisting temptations…
Read More »Body measurements are a great way to track your weight loss, as long as you’re doing it right. Image Credit: PeopleImages/iStock/GettyImages Many times, when we hear someone talk about their weight-loss journey or how they transformed their lifestyle, they won’t just reference the pounds they shed. Rather, they’ll also note the difference in their inches over months or years. Measuring various body parts — like our hips, waists, legs and arms — is a common…
Read More »Even if you’ve cut out junk food, getting too many liquid calories may sabotage your weight loss. Image Credit: Rawpixel/iStock/GettyImages You’ve said sayonara to cookies, chips and virtually anything that comes in a bag or a box, so why haven’t the pounds magically flown off your tummy, butt and hips? Alas, cutting out — or cutting back — on junky or processed foods in your diet doesn’t automatically translate into weight loss. Advertisement “It’s true…
Read More »Dipping below the recommended minimum calories could put your health at risk. Image Credit: Rawpixel Ltd/iStock/GettyImages Diet trends may come and go, but one fact remains: The most scientifically proven method of weight loss is to reduce calories. What you may not realize, though, is that cutting your calories too low can actually be bad for your health and even derail your weight-loss goals. Advertisement We investigate what the minimum calories really are and how…
Read More »Some people swear they’re never hungry in the morning while others can’t imagine life without breakfast — so which side is “right”? Image Credit: Creative To many of us, the idea of skipping “the most important meal of the day” is blasphemous. Who would willingly give up breakfast? Advertisement A lot of people, it turns out: The popularity of intermittent fasting methods — notably 16:8 fasting, which calls for 16 hours of fasting followed…
Read More »Is weight loss really as simple as taking a spoonful of apple cider vinegar every day? Image Credit: YelenaYemchuk/iStock/GettyImages Belly fat — one of the most common body complaints — can be frustrating to deal with, which is probably why there are so many claims about remedies that can beat the bloat. Advertisement One such example is apple cider vinegar (ACV), a vinegar made from fermented apple juice that is touted for fighting fat around…
Read More »Eating a balanced diet may help you get rid of hip fat. Image Credit: bit245/iStock/GettyImages In This Article Cut Calories Diet Fiber Protein Complex Carbs Beneficial Fats Limit Processed Foods Limit Sugary Drinks Hydrate Control Portions Cardio Strength Train Core Exercises HIIT Everyday Movement Manage Stress Sleep Be Realistic Everyone has some hip fat — it’s a common place to carry excess tissue. But if your goal is to shed weight in that area, you…
Read More »Oatmeal for weight loss? You bet — just make sure you’re doing it the healthy way. Image Credit: Foxys_forest_manufacture/iStock/GettyImages Trendy diets like keto and paleo have made some of our favorite foods, like oats, a no-go — and as a dietitian, I’m just not down with that. Advertisement Weight-loss diets often shun oatmeal for it’s “too-high” carb content, when in reality, oats are nutrient-dense and a healthy source of complex carbohydrates. Video of the Day…
Read More »When you lose a lot of weight, your shoe size may change. Image Credit: PixelsEffect/E+/GettyImages When you’re dieting, you may think of your hips, waist and thighs shrinking, but your feet may get smaller when you lose weight too. Depending on how much weight you shed, you may need to invest in smaller shoes along with new clothes. Advertisement Losing weight can also affect your feet in other ways. Read on for the details on…
Read More »Cooking at home benefits your wallet, your waistline and some important aspects of your health. Image Credit: Peopleimages/E+/GettyImages After a long day at work, the last thing you probably want to do is slave over a stove. And when hunger strikes, the convenience of pulling into a fast food drive-thru or ordering takeout can be terribly tempting. Advertisement Relying on food away from home is totally acceptable once in a blue moon, but when it…
Read More »From low-tech to high-tech, there are a variety of body fat scales to choose from. Image Credit: Creative In This Article How We Chose Best Overall Best on a Budget Best Splurge Best High-Tech Best Low-Tech Best for Athletes Best for Families What to Look For How It Works Virtually everyone has a standard scale at home. But the number of pounds flashing on an old-school bathroom scale can’t tell us how much of…
Read More »While vitamins won’t make you lose weight, getting the right nutrients can help support metabolism function. Image Credit: Getty Images/Tassii In This Article Vitamin B Vitamin D Calcium Vitamin C Magnesium Iron Alas, there’s no magic pill in the world of nutrition that’ll help you shed unwanted pounds. But not getting enough of certain important minerals and vitamins that help with weight loss may actually make dropping pounds that much harder. Advertisement While no one…
Read More »An at-home scale from Taylor can help you get a sense of your body fat percentage. Image Credit: Francesco Carta fotografo/Moment/GettyImages In This Article Accuracy How It Works Program a Taylor Body Fat Scale How to Read Your Taylor Body Fat Scale How to Reset the Scale Bottom Line: Are Body Fat Scales Worth It? If you’re looking for a new scale to weigh yourself at home, you might consider one from Taylor Precision Products.…
Read More »A low-calorie version of the DASH diet can still be delicious and satisfying. Image Credit: bhofack2/iStock/GettyImages The popular DASH diet is well known for its success in regulating high blood pressure. In fact, it’s consistently ranked among the best diets out there. What’s more: A low-calorie version of DASH can also be a healthy way to lose weight. Advertisement A relatively restrictive 1,200-calorie DASH diet is on the low end of the daily calories needed…
Read More »Focusing on cardio without strength-training can undermine your weight-loss efforts. Image Credit: kali9/E+/GettyImages You’re hitting the gym hard, but the number on the scale isn’t budging. Nutrition is most essential to weight loss, but exercise can help (and aids in weight maintenance). With that in mind, how do you exercise to lose weight? Turns out, there are a few common mistakes that can thwart your progress. Advertisement But don’t surrender to the scale just yet.…
Read More »Detoxes like juice cleanses have zero health benefits and will likely leave you in worse shape. Image Credit: PeopleImages/E+/GettyImages Detoxes and cleanses have been on trend for years, staying popular with promises of ridding your body of toxins as well as some extra pounds. Followers may tout feeling healthier and having more energy, but commercial detoxes are not only ineffective — they’re just generally bad for you. Advertisement Of course, certain detoxes have medical benefits…
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