My fitness journey will be
The journey of a lifetime.

Good health is not only
One of the most important keys to good health,
It is also the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity



    Cutting Calories for Weight Loss? This Is the Lowest You Should Go

    Dipping below the recommended minimum calories could put your health at risk. Image Credit: Rawpixel Ltd/iStock/GettyImages Diet trends may come…

    How Many Eggs Should You Eat a Day to Lose Weight?

    Normally you should only eat about one egg a day, but the egg diet encourages much more. Image Credit: OksanaKiian/iStock/GettyImages…

    Weight Watchers and Pregnancy Don’t Go Together — Here’s Why

    Instead of joining a weight-loss program like Weight Watchers, pregnant people should focus on eating healthfully and gaining the right…
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